My first Blog entry begs the question, why am I doing this?
Egotistical self promotion? Need more interactive stimulus besides Facebook and Twitter? Too much time on my hands? Well, really none of these pertain to my motivations, but instead, I realized that I had some specific information and knowledge I would like to share. Throughout my adult life, I have enjoyed success, and in contrast some failures. I have benefited from all of these experiences in one way or another, but more than anything I have benefited from a philosophy throughout my travels of savoring the journey of life and concentrating on a path of life long learning and continuous improvement through a thirst for knowledge, ongoing education and being a student of life’s experiences. I believe strongly that there is something to be learned from each person who crosses my path.
I enjoy speaking to and writing about topics with which I have specific experience and expertise. I also possess a persistent curiosity and thirst for knowledge to learn how things work, how things came to be, reading about and participating in divergent opinions of where things are headed. I am continually surprised by how my specific knowledge in the ID, security and management arena is not necessarily common knowledge and wish to share that knowledge and thoughts with those who would be interested in listening.
Educational Consultant Shakti Gattegno, speaks about connecting to your core . . .
“Start with self-reflection, which requires observing oneself in the lighting of awareness and without judgment. It helps to pay close attention to what you are or have rather than to emphasize what you think you’re not or don’t have. The more one is connected to oneself, the greater will be one’s capacity to reach out. And the less one will expend energy trying to please the world.”
Events of the last year have created a greater self awareness and desire within myself to reach out and share what I have and to connect to others who have similar interests and objectives.
After many years of severe dislike of my name I have come to appreciate the moniker my parents bestowed upon me and decided after a quick search of available domain names that in fact, my name is somewhat unique and that I should embrace the nightmare of my youth and consider creating a website domain with my name to further my cause.
So what can you expect from me on this forum? I hope to post a new entry at least weekly. I plan on writing about various topics that interest me and on which I have specific knowledge and expertise, however, I also plan on sharing content from other sources ranging from trade publications, journals, news sources and magazines. I do not foresee limiting my entries to only “work” related topics. I may add some anecdotes from my daily travels and experiences.
And so, that is my story and I hope that you will enjoy and contribute to my blog with your comments and any other materials that would be appropriate. In closing, a quote from Leonard Nimoy struck me as appropriate, “We strive to find within ourselves our own personal voice – that which puts us in a state of grace.”
Live long and prosper.